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Guided Fishing Trips on Canton, Ft. Supply and Foss Lakes
Welcome to Northwest Fishin' Trips!! 
We are a family oriented guide service specializing in fishing for walleye, sand bass, striped bass hybrids,
 channel catfish and crappie. 

Trips are offered primarily on Canton Lake but will travel to Ft. Supply or Foss. 
We offer both half and all days trips. A minimum of 2 fishermen and a full day trip are required for trips on Foss and Ft Supply. 
Minimum of 1 on Canton, either half or full day.
Half day, $80 per fisherman.
All day, $125 per fisherman
Children under 5 years of age go free!!!
Children under 12 years of age go half price!!!
We supply all rods, reels, lures, bait and refreshments but most importantly fun!!!! 
All you need to do is bring yourself.
Check us out on Facebook and give our page a like. Lots of pics of successful trips! 


Your guide: 
Jeff Converse
Make memories to last a lifetime! 

The boat: 22 foot Blue Wave Pure Bay, 250 hp Evinrude Etec
Click the CERTIFICATE text above to download a printable gift certificate.
Visit the fishing blog for more pics and info on the guide. 